Sunday, December 30, 2012

3 Squares (Maple Grove)

Maple Grove certainly was one of the last places I would look for a pinball machine. However, it's nice to be surprised. We went get dinner at 3 Squares before a movie.  Squares is notable for a few reasons. It is the only restaurant in "The Grove" that isn't a chain, their food and beer selection is the best in the city, and I, sometimes regrettably, run into people I went to high school with. Now the restaurant has a 4th distinction, awesome pinball machines. They said there was a 20 minute wait for a table, so we played pinball until we got a table. Then we placed our order and played until the food came. It was perfect.

The first game we played was the newer Batman. It has a fun addition where you have to hit the Scarecrow, which is like a crane hanging over the table, for extra points.
Vonny's High score: 12.8 mil
My High Score: 12.4 mil
Replay: 29.7 mil

Next we moved onto the classic Addams Family. Previous to us someone was playing tournament play and left the 4th player with a turn left and a full credit on the machine, so score one for us. I finished out the tourney play, and Vonny took the credit.
Vonny's High Score: 21.6 mil

Last we moved on to T3: Rise Of The Machines. Like T2 it also has the "pistol" shooter which I don't like. This game was our least favorite.We didn't catch right away that there is a way to trigger a second game on the scoreboard where you shoot a ping-pong ball at some lights.
My High Score: 13 mil (but I got the match)
Vonny's High Score: 11.7 mil
Replay: 33 mil

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