Monday, January 14, 2013

Ted's Recreation or Ted's Liquors Bar (Roseville)

Yesterday, my friend BT and I embarked on a 12 bar, 4 hour tour of pinball machines in St. Paul. BT and I have been playing pinball together since high school, and I would consider him on the higher end of mediocre. Every trick I know, I learned from him.

Our first bar of the evening was Ted's Liquors. A cement building, with a great neon sign, it sits on a nice stretch of Larpenteur across from Key's Cafe and a quaint little Dairy Queen. Inside however is a different story. We were three steps through the door  when the whole bar stopped and looked at us. No sooner did I make half-a-turn towards the "No Good Golfers" machine in the corner when someone yelled out "Uh oh. Here comes the Pinball Wizards." Being two street smart guys we kept our goal in mind and payed them no heed.

To be honest though I don't remember to much about the game. It was $.50 per play with a fun little skill shot. I probably don't remember because I was worried about accidentally backing into the two guys standing about a foot behind me. It appeared that a key part of their rather aggressive video bowling game was cursing at each other.

After they finished their game and went back to watching football I overheard one say to the other in a threatening tone, "All I'm asking is what high school you went too."

"Why?" said the other.

"Why? Cuz I'm tying to figure out who you are rooting for. That's why."

As we turned and left I glanced over my shoulder to see one of the "video bowlers" glaring at me, and I couldn't help but think... "Am I about to be followed out?"

Replay 11.2 mil
BT's high score 550K
My high score: 2.1 mil


  1. Jeez, that place sounds like it's not worth the trouble!

  2. It's good to know that the experience that I have always expected of that place is indeed the experience of that place.

  3. Uh... all of you are extremely wrong. If you're not insulted, verbally assailed, mocked, tormented, picked on, razzed, and in one way or another, gently defiled, it's becaaaause... no one's interested in you. However! No one will insult you, assail you, pick on you, mock you, torment you, pick on you, razz you or gently defile you unless you join in. If you can't dish it out, you won't be expected to take it. Obversely, if anyone singled you out as a stranger and did any of the above and you aren't a knowing/willing participant, there isn't a person in there that wouldn't put a serious stop to it. It's that kind of joint; a local dive where the regs hang out and blow off the weekly steam by ripping on each other-- mercilessly. Yet, a total stranger can stop in for a beer and anyone in there would quietly shoot the breeze about anything for as long as you want to. Beware! If you're seen there more than twice, and no one starts giving you crap, you might not be liked. It's an insult not to be insulted.
